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Resources and Links to Share



Official Birds of the United States 

This link was sent to me by a young birder by the name of Kara, obviously having a great time learning about our passion.  Thought you might find it interesting.


This one was sent to me by a budding birder by the name of Payton who has joined her Citizen Science Club to create natural habitats


Plants and Flowers to Attract Birds

So this comes from Megan who is studying ornithology. . . thought I would like to share.


Basics for Beginners 

This was sent to me this last week.  Always interested in helping young people enjoy our wonderful hobby.


I just wanted to send you a quick email on behalf of my granddaughter Alyssa. Alyssa is starting the sixth grade this week and this past summer she attended "camp grandma" in between her summer camps. I tried to keep her busy and entertained with a varies of activities. in the beginning of the summer, I introduced her to something I used to do with my father when I was a child, so it has a very special place in my heart. I used to spend hours on my porch with my father searching and trying to identify the birds in our yard. She has really enjoyed bird watching has been doing a lot of research on her own. She specifically loves learning about bird identification and learning more about each bird. Last night, she came across your page I just wanted to thank you for making it! You have some wonderful information about bird watching and identification that has helped her have a better understanding.

She also came across this resourceful article that she thought might make a great addition to your page "Home Hobbies: Bird-Watching"

Would you consider adding it for me? I would love to surprise her and show her that her research will help other people all over the world learn more about bird watching and identification. She is so excited to share her no hobby with her teacher and classmates.


How to Get More Young People Interested In Bird Watching

This come to me from Hannah Miller who has developed a wonderful website to encourage new birders.  I am particularly intrigued about the section on getting our youngsters to slow down and listen to the sounds around them.  Here is the link to her page:


Continuing with the Young Naturalist Theme

Chloe brought my attention to this article to enhance our gardens and encourage more wildlife. . . thank you, Chloe!!


WAND (Wildlife and Nature Destinations 

Bo Beolens and Randy Minder have put together a new site for birders to get lots of information.  Check it out!!  You will find guides, destinations, and lots of other information you never knew you wanted to know. "370 destinations, 150 countries, 35 types of tours, WAND has it all".


Arizona Field Ornithologists 

For the latest information on birds in Arizona


Arizona/New Mexico Listserv 

We have a new link.  Hopefully, I have done it right.


Tucson Audubon Society 


Ten Commandments of Birding 

I found this and felt it so very useful and relevant.  Thanks to Tina for her insight.


Fat Birder 

I just stumbled onto this link while researching for a list of the endemics of the United States.  This site is nicely laid out and has a lot of information, so thought I would share it.  Just a note. . . I have been looking for months for a list of the endemics of the United States.  The owner of this page e-mailed me a list once he knew what I was looking for.  If you have any bird related question. . . it would surprise me if you could not find the answer through this resource. 



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